RTO is situated in every state of India. Each state has district wise or region wise RTO offices. The RTO office will be there with the the number of vehicles or population in area.
What RTO RJ 37 offices do for you??
Each RTO is given power to approve vehicles to drive on vehicle. RTO will take road tax on behalf of road and transport department in India.
RTO RJ 37 is responsible to issue driving licence to citizens to allow them to drive vehicles.
It will also renew the licences on time to time period. RTO will take driving licence test to test your driving skill.
How to get driving licence in India??
The RTO RJ 37 will issue driving licence to you. To get driving licence , just go to your nearest RTO office with your proofs they ask to show you. Generally they will ask for birth certificate and address proof along with photos.
They will examine your proof and after passing an exam on RTO rules , they will issue a learning licence to you. After getting learning licence you can learn to drive vehicle with some specification as 'L' on front and back side of vehicle And a person holding Licence with you.
Within six month of learning licence you have to give licence test, if you success ,you will get driving licence otherwise if you fail , you have to apply for fresh learning licence.
How to apply for vehicle registration to RTO RJ 37??
If you buy new vehicle in India, you have to register it with Regional transport office. You have to pay road tax to RTO as specified , mostly the dealer will do these thing. Then you have to take your vehicle to RTO to be verified , They will check your engine chassis number and documents of address proof and others.
Then they will give you an RTO registration book which , you have to bring along with you.
RTO RJ 37 will make rule you have to follow.